As most people are… I’m a procrastinator. Although it’s weird, because I don’t procrastinate when things have to do with other people. For example: whenever I’m working on someone else’s show or working with one of my clients I finish my work quickly and efficiently. However, when things have to do with me, for example recording, writing or getting my own sites set up, I tend to sit back on those tasks.
I guess that’s one of those things that everyone does though. If you have to answer to someone you don’t want to disappoint them or bill them for hours that you didn’t need.
Since the last time I posted I’ve gotten quite a bit of work done. Run some pretty awesome campaigns that I’m proud of and have written a number of articles for the websites I run. However, I can’t for the life of me get my ass to sit down and record a song. I keep telling myself that it’s because my voice is tired and not fully better from being sick, but maybe I just have to admit I might be procrastinating.
I’ve also been writing a new show for the past few months and while I have the idea of what I want to write next when I sit down I get bored and I tell myself: well at least you have the idea you’ll get it down sooner or later. But that’s the thing… I’m never going to get it down if I keep telling myself “tomorrow.”
A lot of times my creative work takes a back seat to my “day job” job. I’m constantly making sure to keep things updated for queerdeer & Pets Overload, but not for my art. I guess it can be pretty difficult to get in the mood when it doesn’t surround you. For example whenever I see a show I think about my own work and get re-inspired to work on it.
When I used to work downtown I’d spend all of my subway rides writing, but now that I work from home it’s a lot different. I think about all the time I could be using to help build financial stability versus what my dreams and aspirations are. I guess maybe it’s growing up. Maybe it’s rooting myself. Or maybe it’s me just not knowing how to split my time division up. I mean I do have schedules set in place that make time for recording (which I used to use before the initial trip to the UK), but I find it hard to work when K is home. (Which has been a lot since I got him sick.) Having someone in the same space when I’m trying to work is difficult for me. I lose focus quickly and want to waste time. But that’s the thing… is that an excuse. Shouldn’t I be able to train myself to work with other people in a room?
Well here’s to it being a very productive few days work wise and hopefully to it being a productive art week for the next few days. Gonna crack down on myself. 😉
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