I want to write
I always have
I love words
They’re all I have
I’ve always written
Never stopped
But sometimes I run from it
I try to adopt
A version of me
That isn’t real
Something that others
find ideal
But still, I write
But still, I write
But still, I write
I’m going to start sharing some of the things I write off the top of my head. Not because it sounds cool, or because I think it’s “great art”, but just because I want to get something creative, or something that inspires me to get back into constantly writing well… gets written.
I often tell my students how important it is to write every day if you want to be a writer, but everyone always finds that difficult. I used to do it, but I will admit it’s been a bit harder now that my life has been busy with other work.
So, since I have this lovely platform to hold myself accountable, I thought I’d share it with you.
Again, why Johnny?
Well, not everything you write is going to be good. Another thing that’s hard to realize when you’re an artist. I’ve written some really great songs. I’ve written some absolute garbage. I’ve also written some great plays. Some… trash. And it’s hard for me to get over that sometimes. Not because I have a “god-complex” and think that I need to be absolutely brilliant at everything I do. (ha!) But because it’s difficult to realize that a lot of the pressure I’m putting on myself isn’t necessary.
As artists, it’s easy to compare yourself to all the big shots. Releasing content yearly, or working on “so many projects”, but there’s a couple of things you don’t really think about. Yes, they work on lots of projects, but they also have a huge team. Not all of their content is great and sometimes you wish they took more time on things. Sometimes you don’t realize that they’ve taken a lot of time off, you’re just watching the re-runs.
The most important thing is to enjoy what it is you’re doing. Don’t force it. Just write whatever comes to mind and soon enough one of the days you write will spark the inspiration for your next piece. I promise.
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